About us
Relying on our consultants’ extensive past experience in various industries as well as our diverse network of business and personal relationships throughout the region, we help companies in a variety of sectors to enter and expand within Singapore, Asia and beyond. Our customized approach, tailored to meet your strategic requirements and budget help organizations gain rapid market traction within their industry.
Our Sectors
Given our past experience and local and regional business and personal connections, we can help businesses in the industrial and consumer products and services sectors.
- Information Technology
- Oil and Gas
- Petrochemical and Chemical
- Marine
- Power Generation
- Envirotech
- Microelectronics
- Pharmaceuticals
- Biotechnology
- Medical Technology
- Information Technology
- Beauty
- Personal Care
- Luxury Products
- Lifestyle Products
- Logistics
- Education and Training
- Government Grant Consulting
Our Advantage
Our CLEAR CHOICE Advantage sets us apart from other market entry and expansion services that help businesses in Singapore and South-East Asia. This set of values guides every business relationship and decision we make to provide a customized, well-researched and profitable experience for the companies with which we work.- C redibility
- L ocal expertise
- E xtensive experience
- A sian perspective
- R esourcefulness
- C ustomized solution
- H igh value add
- O ptimization
- I nnovation
- C ontacts and connections
- E ntrepreneuers for entrepreneurs
We keep our word
Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally. Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future. Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future.- Credibility
- Local expertise
- Extensive experience
- Asian perspective
- Resourcefulness
- Customized solution
- High value add
- Optimization
- Innovation
- Contacts and connections
- Entrepreneuers for entrepreneurs